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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 4
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4 – Bite My Arse – Part 2

Charlie POV

2 weeks ago…

I just watched the most perfect angel walk away. I don’t even know her name. She never gave me the

chance. But I like the challenge. I know she is the one. I can feel it. She’s different.

I whipped out my phone and took a quick picture. It’s not the best. I quickly hit the speed dial for Jason.


“What now?” He says a little bored, exhaling a breath as if he is bracing for news.

“I found her J” is all I said. I waited, holding my shaky breath thinking about that sweet angel. I bite my

bottom l*p unconsciously and close my eyes trying to savor the lasting image in my head.

“You better not be joking” I hear him snap his fingers and some rustling of papers, a squeak of the floor

along with heavy footsteps can be heard. “You’re on speaker. Ben and Kai are here.”

“What’s up? You okay?” Kai asks.

“Charlie says he found her,” J says, excitedly. I can hear the smile in his voice.

“F u c k! Really? What’s her name? What does she look like? Favorite color? Favorite movie? Don’t tell

me. It’s Frozen?” Kai practically screams.

“Calm the f u c k down Kai” I shout out. That man is one of the scariest human beings alive, but he is

acting like a 5-year-old who just ate 100 pixie sticks. “She just ran into me. Literally. She is beautiful.

Exactly what we like but she left before I could get a name. Sending you a picture.”

I hear gasps and silence. I know they are getting a tent in their pants just like I am. She renders us


“Find out everything” Jason orders.

“I’m on it. She was coming out of DuPont Tower so I will get Zach to make a full file within the hour” I


“Ok. Bye” was all Jason said before the line was cut. I then sent the picture to Zach and told him to get

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

all the information about our little minx within the hour.

2 hours later

“Boss, I have some bad news” Zach says sauntering into my office as if I am not already fuming since

he is over an hour late with my angel’s file!.

“Speak” I say through gritted teeth.

“The security footage was going through an update this morning. No one in the office recalls seeing her

here. I can’t trace the girl’s steps in the building. And the facial rec software can’t get a match on the

picture you have. The only thing I can trace is that she walked to the Z line 3 blocks away.” Zach wasn’t

terrified of his boss Charlie because they went way back. Zach was loyal and he would do anything for

his boss, but he still was cautious. Angering the beast was not ideal.

“F u c k!” Charlie screamed as he tossed all the papers off his desk and let them crash against the tile


Well, my little mystery vixen. You can run but I will find you. You are mine.


Jason POV

Present day

It’s been a long day. Met with the local gang leader Paco to discuss the upcoming shipments. He

discovered one of his men were trying to get inside information for the cops. So I watched Paco and his

gang have a little fun downtown in one of their hangouts. I’d love to see his man talk now… without

eyes, a tongue, and oh yeah…a head.

Sitting in the back of our bullet proof SUV, the cars pull in front of DuPont. Our headquarter offices if

you will. Charlie comes out with his guards in tow and quickly rushes through the open door and sits

next to me.

“Hey” he says. His eyes are darker rimmed with the lack of sleep and his once bright hazel eyes are

duller. His hair is a little disheveled and a 5 o’clock shadow rests on his chiseled cheekbones.

“Rough day?” I ask. He is my best friend. I always know what’s bothering him. Frankly, we all have

been on edge the last two weeks since we found out about her.

“Hmmm” is all I get from Charlie as he closes his eyes and rests his head back on the seat.

We are meeting Ben and Kai at Saturn. It’s one of our favorite restaurants we own. We commandeered

Chef Alex many years ago and he turned Saturn into one of our most exclusive and profitable

businesses. The man is a culinary genius. We have waiting lists 6 months long.

We all need a little down time. We haven’t spent time together in weeks. I suggested we go out

because these knuckle f u c k e r s won’t take care of themselves unless I force them too. We all have

buried our heads into work, almost depressingly so, since we heard that Zach was having no luck with

locating our baby girl. Our tempers are hotter these days and our fuses shorter. Everyone is on edge

around us. They should be.

Kai is really in bad shape. He is on a rampage. Killed fourteen men last week alone during a shipment

run because he could. He is creating chaos. None of us have been with a woman since we saw her. If

we don’t find her soon, this city may just burn in our conquests.

Before I know it, we are pulling up to Saturn. The big glass doors surrounded by white pillars, gold trim

and red carpet lining the pavement.

We got out and saw Ben and Kai come from the other car behind us. Our security team flanking our

sides as we stroll to the front. A sheepish young man wearing a tuxedo a little too big for him opens the

door for us, bowing his head in reverence, not saying a word as he should.

“Mr. O’Donnell, Mr. DuPont, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Vikram. A pleasure as always. Your private room is

ready as always. Please follow m-me” Adam Pearson stumbles out. Short, stocky man. Like a

marshmallow. We hired him as the manager 2 years ago because he showed loyalty to us.

We make our way through the ballroom crowded with patrons, whispers and stares follow us. We enter

through a golden door and see our singular table in the center.

“Have the staff bring our usual and have Alex make us his “Secret Special.’” I order and proceed to

take my seat. A few minutes later our usual drinks came. The waiter is visibly scared, his hands

shaking the drink tray enough that the ice in the highball glasses is clanking on the sides.

20 minutes later the same waiter brought us our food. He sets the porcelain plate in front of me, and I

can’t help but laugh. A real belly laugh. A burger! Seriously, Alex? A f u c k i n g burger. We serve

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

caviar salsa, and yet we get burgers served to us. Did he freeze extra brain cells?

“Alex is really losing it” Ben chuckles. We all have a smile on our face at the sheer audacity and yet

cleverness of this dish.

It does smell good.

I take a bite shaking my head slightly. Oh my goodness. I can’t help but groan in pleasure. This is the

most flavorful burger I have ever tasted. Is that cheese and mashed potatoes inside? I have never had

such an explosion of flavor in my m o u t h. It’s salty, savory, a little hint of spice in the back of my

tongue and yet a touch of sweetness. It’s gooey from the cheese, creamy from the potatoes and the

bacon is crunchy. There are so many stimulants. I may just have a food-gasm. That would be a first.

Damn Alex has outdone himself.

I look and see the others also savoring their meals.

Adam walks in and sees the burgers on our plate. “Oh my. I am so sorry Sirs. I cannot believe she

served you burgers. That is completely unacceptable!” He huffed.

“What do mean ‘she’?” Ben accused. “Where is Alex?”

“Um…Chef Alex is not here tonight. His assistant made your meals sir, I-I truly apologize. I-I promise

she will be dealt with immediately.” He hastens out.

“No.” I say harshly. “Bring her to us. We will speak to her.” I smirk as I retrieve my gun from behind my

back and place it on the table. I see Adam pale, bow, and scurry out the door.

A few minutes later, three soft knocks on the door and then Adam walks in. “S-sir. This is Aurora. Your

chef tonight.” He bows low and steps to his left letting us look upon the woman who boldly dared to

serve us bar food at such a prestigious institution even though it was undoubtedly the best tasting meal

I have ever consumed.

Her eyes were downcast, soft delicate hands folded in front of lap.

Suddenly Charlie gasps. “You!” He exclaims. She looks up. Her eyes widen. Those eyes. Beautiful, doe

like. Hazel and green. Her plump l*ps slightly parted. I instantly get hard thinking what I’d like to put in

that m o u t h if hers. I look at Charlie and he smiles like a Cheshire Cat. I haven’t seen that look since

he talked about her.

“We meet again sweetheart.” he declares. Wait. Oh my god. It’s her!