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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 16
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16. Her Stubbornness

“You are all the same!” She struggled to free herself, but I refused to let her go.

“Will it heal?” I asked her. She had her other bloody arm covering herself, but I don’t think she realised

her slender arm was doing nothing to keep her lush curves from me…

“Yes.” She snapped, yanking from my hold and covering herself. “How dare you rip my clothes!”

“You had the audacity to attack one of my men.” I said, grabbing her elbow, I pulled her up the stairs.

“Why did you do it?”

She didn’t reply, but her heartbeat quickened. I kicked open my bedroom door, pulling her in. I tossed her

o n the bed, I hated being disobeyed. Her breasts bounced and my gaze fell to them, the outline of her

nipple clear through the lace. She grabbed a pillow, hugging it to her chest as she glared up at me.

“Don’t look at me!”

“You’re mine and I can if I want to.” I growled.

“What can I say about your men when you yourself are just as bad!” She spat.

I frowned. What did she even mean by that? If she wasn’t already injured, I would have taught her a

fucking lesson. I walked to my wardrobe, opening the drawer that was now full of clothes and other items

for her, and grabbed a top before taking the first aid box from my side.

I walked to the bed and she snatched the top, pulling it on and giving me a fleeting glimpse of her

gorgeous milky white breasts and her smooth, taught stomach. She grabbed the box from me and gave

me a dirty look.

“I hope I don’t get some sort of disease from being clawed by an animal.” She glared.

I raised an eyebrow, crouching down before her and looking her square in the eye. Tangling my hand in

her hair, I yanked her towards me.

“What have I told you about disrespect?” I asked icily.

“Well, I’m afraid I have not learned manners.” She shot back.

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Fucking lie.

I know how she was with Andrei… But what confused me was why she hadn’t been difficult with him. In

fact, when I had asked how she was, he had said she was doing very well.

Our eyes met, and I realised that her eyes had changed colour. After drinking blood, they were a lot

darker. But now they were lighter… She blinked. Her thick lashes caressed her cheeks lightly before she

looked back into my eyes. I really had never seen a more beautiful woman in my life, and I had seen


“So… care to share why you attacked him?” I asked again, letting go of her hair that I had half pulled out

of her plait

She frowned. I gave her a moment, taking the box from her and flipping it open. She sure healed slower

than us… I pulled my shirt off, wiping the blood away from her arms. She was staring at me intensely, but

I ignored her, using a wipe to cleanse her arms before taking some gauze and lifting one of her delicate

wrists. It was tiny… the opposite of mine in every way.

Like the rest of her, her skin was pale and smooth, like a china doll. But I knew she wasn’t as fragile as



I wrapped her other arm in gauze, frowning. What was I even doing? I didn’t attend to people’s injuries.

“Taking care of our beautiful mate.’ Thanatos added very unhelpfully.

‘I don’t care for her.’I shot back.

He was worse than a fucking pet. One meeting with Morgana and he wanted to mate and mark her right


“I won’t keep repeating myself.” I said dangerously, tying the end of the bandage and looking into her


She frowned but still refused to speak.

“Fine. If you won’t fucking speak, then you won‘t get blood for the night.” I said coldly.

She closed her eyes and simply nodded.

I yanked her up from the bed roughly, and she hit my chest. My hand snuck around her waist, but she

simply pulled away.

“You will be punished for disobeying me.” 1

Reaching beneath the bed, I pulled out the chain that had been attached to the cuffs and walking over to

her, I yanked her arms above her head, wrapping the chains around her. I pulled her to the window, and

reaching up, wrapped the chain around the curtain pole. She could probably pull free with ease, but I

didn’t care if she did, I only wanted a fucking answer.

It was strange… She didn’t even argue… She simply frowned, her chest heaving in anger. But even

then, she refused to submit. My eyes flickered to her wrists that I had tied above her head, twisted

uncomfortably, and although she looked rather sexy all tied up… My stomach chumed as I forced myself

t o look away.

Thanatos’s growl filled my head, but I refused to listen to him.

‘Don’t hurt mate!’ He growled.

Whenever his emotions got intense, his sentences seemed to lack intellect.

“You will remain like that until dawn.” I said icily.

She pressed her lips together but didn’t reply, looking away.

Fine. If she wanted to be fucking stubborn, then she would pay for it. I pulled my top off and turned the

light off, getting into the bed. She was silent and so was I. The only sound in the room was our beating


I couldn’t sleep, not when she was tied in a standing position, but I refused to let her down. Each passing

· moment in her presence was blurring the lines of limits within me. I steadied my breathing, pretending

to sleep, but I couldn’t. I heard her sigh softly, and I wondered how much time had passed. Would she try


She began humming a song ever so quietly, and that night at the lake, retumed to me…


The scent had drawn me here and I had crossed into the Sanguine Empire, but I couldn’t stop myself…

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Not when it was so intoxicating. I knew it wasn’t a werewolf’s scent, but still, I followed it. Until I finally

found it. A woman’s laughter and the sounds of a song being sung made my heart race. That’s when I

saw her, the woman in the lake. Her long black hair was splayed in the water behind her, and she was

swimming around, her laughter like a tinkle in the wind. My heart was pounding as my eyes drank her up.

She was ethereal… a goddess gracing the earth…

I couldn’t stop myself from approaching her, like a sea siren luring me to her…


What if I didn’t follow the scent that night? Could I have protected myself from all of this? I doubted it…

That scent would have consumed my mind still…

Her breathing became heavy, and I opened my eyes. She seemed to have fallen asleep leaning against

the wall behind her. My stomach twisted as I watched her. She had been working all day, and once again

I didn’t give her any blood…

I got out of bed silently and walked over to her. I wrapped my arm around her waist gently, my fingers

brushing her stomach through the thin fabric of her top, and she gasped, her eyes fluttering open.

“Don’t say a word or I might change my mind.” I whispered dangerously.

She looked back at me, confusion in those gorgeous eyes of hers, and with my other hand, I reached up

and untied her. The chain fell to the floor with a clang, and I pulled her towards the bed. Through her

sleepy eyes, I knew she wanted to ask, but I had no answers, praying she didn’t speak. I pushed her

gently onto the bed.

“Sleep.” I commanded coldly, before walking around to the other side and lay down on the bed once


Her heart hammered as she looked at me, but she didn’t speak, curling up and wrapping her arms

around herself, closing her eyes once more.

I watched her fall asleep again. Reaching over, I caressed her cool cheek. Why did she have to be a

vampire? If she had been one of my own…

‘Would you have accepted her with that sassy personality?’ Thanatos asked.

I didn’t reply, turning my back on her. I knew the answer, but I wouldn’t admit it. Not now. Not ever