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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 26
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“I haven’t touched myself since before you first told me I couldn’t. You were the last one to make me

come, Jace.”

I don’t believe I’m hearing what she is saying, correctly. That’s not possible; there is no way she has

gone all this time without touching herself just because I told her not too…could she? The look on her

face is telling me otherwise, though. It looks as though she may cry because the has been waiting so


“Jesus Christ, Ella!” I exclaim, shocked to my core.

“What did I do wrong, Jace. I obeyed your order, and all I’m asking for is to be able to relieve some of

this tension.”

Shaking myself, I try to soothe her because she’s working herself up, “I know, baby, I know. I’m sorry, I

hadn’t realized that you were still following my orders.” I want to fist pump the air, is what I want to do.

Here I am, getting myself off at least once a day

and she’s gone weeks, all because I told her she couldn’t touch herself, “We are going to fix that right

now, okay?”

My cock hardens when I catch her biting her lip and nodding, “Do you have any toys, Ella?” I notice her

glance toward her nightstand, and I smile. Knowing that my dominant voice turns her on, I deepen my

voice before ordering her, “Go get your toy, and show me what you like to play with.”

“I don’t know, Jace…”

Igaze at her for a moment, taking all of her in. I remember us playing as kids, her in her pigtails that I

always liked to pull just to

get her going. Now I want to pull them for a completely different reason. Ella has grown into a beautiful

young woman, and I really regret the things I put her through, when I should have been by her side the

whole time.

I don’t want to bully her, but I do want to possess her, I want to protect her, I want to be the only man that

she will ever need. I can’ t stop being dominant when it comes to Ella; she needs the structure that being

in a D/s relationship brings. I don’t want a slave, want a woman who has needs that only I can fulfill,

someone who needs taken care of but not in the traditional sense. I know Ella Baxter can take care of

herself, but there is a deeper need that she keeps fighting because she thinks that it is wrong. That is

why she needs me, because if she keeps it hidden away, thinking that it will just go away, she is dead


Now, when I push her to do things sexually, I’m not being a bully, I’m being her Dom. If what I’m doing is

so wrong, then why does she get so wet and turned on? I guarantee that her panties are sporting a nice-

sized wet spot right about now. My Ella is a very sexual woman, and I am determined to bring that

woman out.

“It’s okay, Ella. If you’re not comfortable, we can wait until you are. I just hope that you can hold out for as

long as that takes.” | keep my face as straight as possible, even when I see that she is catching on to

what I’m saying.

“You mean, I can’t get a release yet?” She sounds like she’s about to cry as her bottom lip trembles just

a smidgen.

I shake my head no, and then tilt my head as I study her every movement and each emotion that passes

over her face. She peeks over at her stand, and then quickly looks away from it; she’s contemplating on

what to do.

“I will make this easy for you, Ella,” I wait until I have her full attention, “Would you like to hear how I’m

going to do that?”

She nods.

“Words, Ella…”

“Yes, Jace, please tell me.”

I smile, “I want you to slide your hand into your panties and see if you’re wet. If your fingers come out

glistening, then you’re going to bring the toy out. If you’re not wet, then I want you to get undress and get

into bed, so you can get some sleep.”

Her face flushes, and instead of doing as I say, she just walks over to her stand and pulls out a cute

purple wand. She’s admitting that she’s wet without having to go through the motions that I told her to,

but that’s not going to get her what she wants.


“Yes, Jace.”


12:56 |

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Ball Is In Your Court

“Did you just ignore my order?*

“Well, I figured that by bringing it out that you would automatically know that I am wet already.” She

pouts, it’s the cutest thing, but it won’t work on me.

“I understand, but I still gave you an order. Now, I want you to be a good girl, and show me how.slick

your fingers will be when you put them in your panties.”

When she finally obeys, she pushes her hand close to the camera, so I can see the wetness coating two

of her fingers. Then, without me even telling her, she puts those same fingers into her mouth and sucks

them clean. Damn, Ella doesn’t realize how much she affects me when she lets go of the shy girl and

brings out the sexual woman. I have to bring my cock out and stroke it a few times, off camera, so she

can’t see, she hasn’t deserved to see my cock yet. .

“Good girl. Now I want you to strip and lay on your bed, spreading those legs nice and wide, so I can see

everything as you get yourself off for me.” She strips down in no time and climbs onto the bed, slowly

crawling to the center, with her ass facing me, “You know that ass is going to be red the whole time that

you’re home if you continue teasing me with it.” I grin, but I mean every word.

I hear her giggle, “Sorry, Jace.”

. -.

Once she’s on her back and in position, I tell her to begin. I’m enraptured with the scene before me;

she’s putting on a show for me, but it’s so much more than that. Her eyes never waver from me as she

rubs the wand around her sensitive nub, moaning and biting down on her lip. She’s not even inserting

anything inside of her and I think she’s hotter than fuck. I let her do it her way, as sit back and watch,

jerking myself off at the gorgeous scene on screen. For me, this is better than any porn site; this is my

girl, getting off by thinking of me. Well, she better be thinking of me, anyway.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Ella. Why are you playing with yourself?” I try to keep my voice even when

I ask, but it’s really hard as I get closer to blowing my load.

“I’m playing with myself because you are allowing me to, Jace.”

“That’s right, baby, and what are you thinking about as you tease that clit of yours?” I love it when she

blushes every time I talk dirty or say very dirty words, but I can tell that she loves it, “Come on, tell me.”

“I’m thinking about you, Jace. I’m thinking about how you make me feel when you use your Dom voice to

get what you want. It gets to me right down here,” she pulls the wand away and shows me her pretty pink

pussy. “You give me tingles, Jace, even when I don’t want you to. I can’t help it. Why do you do this to

me, Jace?” She moans when moving the wand back in place.

I almost feel bad because it sounds like she doesn’t want to like it, or want me, but that is just too bad,

because she’s mine. She said it herself, her body knows who it belongs to, and it responds to me.

“Turn the vibration up, Ella, and then use two fingers to fuck yourself,” I hear the toy turn up, and then

watch as she slides two of her digits deep inside of herself, “Just like that baby, God, your being such a

good girl. You look so hot; I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last.”

I see the question in her eyes before they begin to glaze over with desire. Her hips begin moving more

and soon she is humping her own hand while her moans get louder. I can’t wait until she finally gives

herself to me. I will be gentle with her the first time, but then all bets are off when I take her again and

again after that.

“Are you almost ready to come for me, Ella?”

“Oh yes, Jace. I feel it it’s coming Jace…”

“That’s it, baby, keep riding that hand for me. Do you see what you are doing to me? Look at how hard

my cock is for you, Ella. This is all yours; this is for you!” I prop my own phone up so she can watch me

get off too; she’s earned it for sure.

“Almost, baby, keep going. That’s it, Ella, faster! God, I wish my cock were your fingers. I want to feel

your heat squeezing me as I slam into you over and over!”


I feel my balls pulls up at how she cries out my name, needing her release, “Come now, Ella!” I explode,

grunting, as I witness her coming undone by her own hand and a toy. Squirt after squirt flies through the

air, landing on my bedding and myself, but I don’t care. All i care about is the woman on the screen as

she tumbles over the edge, crying out for me; it’s my name on her lips as she finally gets her release.



Ball Is In Your Court

“Fuck, Ella…” I lay on my bed, staring at the screen as we both catch our breaths, “How soon before you

come home for a visit?” | need her back, I hate her being this far away

“Not sure,” she pants, “Whenever the court date ends up being, I’ll be home for that. Otherwise, it won’t

be until after my summer classes end.”

I’m feeling vulnerable or some kind of way, at the moment, “Can I come see you as soon as I get the

chance?” I’m not the Dom that is always so sure of himself, no, I’m back to being that sixteen-year-old

boy with a crush on his best friend, and always needing to be near her, “I don’t want you thinking that you

have to say yes, Ella. I think I understand why you left, but I hope it isn’t because of me, because you’re

scared of how I make you feel.”

She sits up on her bed, bringing her knees to her chest, and wrapping her arms around them. Laying her

chin on top of her bent knees, she shakes her head, “I didn’t leave because of how you make me feel,”

she pauses briefly, “I left for multiple reasons, but I will admit that had I stayed and waited for you to talk

to me again, I was afraid that I’d end up not leaving. This is something I have to do, Jace. My education

means everything to me, and I needed to be as far away from my past as I could in order to get my life

back on track.”

“Ella, I would never stop you from following your dreams, I only ask that you let me be part of that dream.

I want to help you achieve anything you want, but you are my dream, Ella, and I would love it if you

would help me achieve that.” I lighten the mood by smiling at her. I’m not used to all this sappy shit, but

for her, I would get on my knees for her, as long as she does the same for me.

Her giggle grabs at my chest and pulls at my heart strings like it has done for years, “I would hope that

you have other dreams, because having me isn’t going to pay the bills or put food on the table. What are

your plans for after graduation?”

I chuckle, because I know she’s right. Having her will take care of every one of my needs, but the

financial one, “I’ve actually thought about going to college for Business. My mom’s store is doing well,

and I’ve thought about talking to her about expanding it and adding other locations.”

“Oh wow, that is a great idea, Jace!” Her smile pulls at another string, “Have you thought about


Shrugging, I pick at imaginary lint on my bedding, “I’ve sent in a few applications, but none of them

anywhere near the East coast.”

“What’s four years, Jace?”

“It’s four years without having you with me, Ella.”

“We still have a lot to talk about before we settle on what we are to each other.” She doesn’t look at me

when she says this, and her voice lowers a bit, but I still hear her clearly.

“I know what you are to me, Ella. You’re mine, I’ve told you this.” I don’t say it how I usually say it,

because I don’t want to ruin the mood that we are both in, but I have to remind her of this every chance I

get, hoping it gets through her head, “I know what I want, and I know what you want, but I can’t make

you be with me. All I can do is keep reminding you that you belong to me, even if you don’t agree yet. I’ll

be here waiting, because I know that I caused you to lose trust in me, but you are well worth the wait,


“Jace, I really don’t know what to say…”

“You don’t have to say anything until you’re ready. You never did answer my question about me visiting

you, so I can only assume that you not answering is the answer.” I take in the way she looks right now,

because after tonight I will not bother her again until she can decide for herself, “Goodbye, Ella. Thank

you for tonight, the ball is in your court now. All I can do is hope that it bounces back to mine someday.”

With one last glance at her, I end the video chat and toss my phone aside. It’s almost two in the morning

but I need to shower and get my spunk off myself. I’m also needing to clear my mind. Oh, who the fuck

am I kidding, the only thing the shower spray is doing is hiding the few tears that I’m allowing to fall. I feel

like I’m losing her and there isn’t anything I can do about it.

Over the next few weeks, I throw myself into my schoolwork and applying to more colleges. Covering all

my bases, I even apply to the University in Connecticut just in case Ella decides that she wants to give

us a try. When I’m not working on school stuff, though, you can find me at the training center, brushing up

on all areas. This is where I’m at when both Jude and Riku come looking for me.

I’m so in the zone as I tie knot after knot, making sure every loop and placement is correct, on a sub that

I’m finally about to suspend, that I don’t realize I have an audience. I feel around to make sure there is

just the right amount of snugness before leaning in and asking her how she’s doing. It’s always important

to check on your sub during any kind of play, no matter what.

Clapping hands have me spinning around to see that it’s two of my instructors, Master Jude, Master

Riku, I hadn’t realized you



Ball Is In Your Court

were observing.”

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“That is a good thing, it means you had your full attention on what you were doing.” Riku walks slowly

around the bound sub, “Do you plan on suspending her as well?” He asks. .

“As a matter of fact, I was just about to attach her. Would you like the honors, Master Riku?” I grin

because I know this is Riku’s favorite part, and I know exactly what he’s going to do when he leans down

and whispers something into her ear.

Jude and I stand back and watch as Riku attaches the sub and suspends her up, off the ground. I bound

her in what’s called a moon tie, which has them in a very accessible position. We watch for only a few

seconds longer when Riku pulls himself out and enters the sub from behind. Like I said, this is his

favorite part, always asking the sub for their consent before doing so. I keep my sub in a thong or panties

when I work with the rope, so Riku has to push them to the side in order to fuck them.

I turn my attention back to Jude, “I know you didn’t come just to watch me tie a sub up.” I cross my arms

over my chest and grin at him.

“No, but actually, seeing you work with her just confirmed what Riku and I were thinking.” He copies my

stance and smiles back.

“And that is?”

“We are in need of another trainer here at the facility. Master Finn is leaving because he knocked his sub

up and now, I guess they are going to go vanilla or some shit, so that leaves us a trainer short.”

“No shit?” I’m surprised, I thought Finn was hardcore.

“Yeah, so what do you say?”

“Why me?”

“It was actually between you and Davis, but since you now know Shibari, it puts you in the lead for the

spot.” He slaps my

shoulder, “I’ve told you before, you’re going to make a great Dom, and an asset, here, at the facility.”

| scratch the back of my head, “Well shit, Jude. I’m not sure what to say exactly.”

“Say that you accept!” He chuckles.

“I would love to say ‘Hell, Yes’, but my concern is school. I’m not sure where I will be going to college yet,

that still depends on Ella.”

“She still hasn’t called?” He asks annoyed.

I shake my head, “Not yet, but I’m not counting her out just yet.” I know I should let things go, but I have

this deep feeling that I’m not supposed to give up just yet, so I won’t.

“Man, you have it bad for that girl! I would have already put her out of my mind,” He turns me back

toward Riku and the sub, “I mean, you don’t even take advantage of the perks with being here!”

I shrug, “I told you Jude, I’m not here for easy sex. Ella has always been my girl, and until she tells me to

fuck off and stay out of her life, then I will wait.”

“Damn, okay,” he throws his hands up in surrender, “It’s your life, you do you, man, but we still need a

trainer. How about you take over until you figure things out since you still have a few months left of

school anyway.”

I nod, “Yeah, sure, I’ll help out.”

“That’s great!” He leans in, “You won’t be just helping you will actually get paid.” He chuckles and leaves

me alone with Riku and the sub.

It isn’t the first time I’ve been around couples fucking, I’m actually a bit of a voyeur and enjoy watching

them sometimes, but now isn’t one of those times. I go about straightening out the room and putting

things away. I grab a water bottle and a few snacks from the cupboard for when aftercare needs to be


“Hey Riku, you going to stay for the aftercare, or you want me to take care of it?” As usual, he agrees to

do it since he’s the one

getting his dick wet. I walk over and give him a fist bump as he continues thrusting into her. I then move

and bend down to look into the sub’s eyes, and it looks like she’s in the right head space at this time,

“How are you doing?” I ask to make sure she’s still responsive.

“I’m good Master Jace. Master Riku always knows how to take care of me, thank you.” She smiles.

Ball Is In Your Court

“Okay, I will leave you in his capable hands, then. Thank you for being my sub, you were a very good girl

for me.” I run my hand through her hair as i praise her.

“You’re very welcome, Master Jace.”

I leave the building in a weird mood. I’m honored that they asked me to be a trainer, and I should be

celebrating, but the only one that I would want to celebrate with isn’t here with me. Hopping in my jeep, I

check my phone right away; it’s what I do every time I’ ve been away from it for too long. It doesn’t

matter, though, because my mother is the only one that called. No missed calls, and no texts. I wonder

where Ella’s head is at right now. She’s a smart girl, and that is why I’m not giving up, because I know

she’s going to want to analyze everything before making a decision. It can actually go either way, it just

depends on how much Ella is wanting to explore, and whether or not her new life has any influence over

her decision.