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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 214
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Chatper 214

Chapter 214

Jurgently dodged to the right and narrowly escaped the blade by one inch.

The killer’s move was swifter than she thought.

He swung his arm and threw a punch at Janet’s shoulder.

Jwas a trained soldier.

She was confident that she could stop that punch.

So she raised an arm and tried to seize his arm


She was sent flying backward and knocked into the closet. The loud, shattering noise

echoed in the room.


She forgot that she was dealing with a Lycan!

Jfelt as though her organs were turned upside down by that punch.

Her body was in a huge pain. Her head was spinning.

“JANET! WATCH OUT!!!” Belle let out an earsplitting scream.

Chapter 214

Jurgently dodged to the right and narrowly escaped the blade by one inch.

The killer’s move was swifter than she thought.

He swung his arm and threw a punch at Janet’s shoulder.

Jwas a trained soldier.

She was confident that she could stop that punch.

So she raised an arm and tried to seize his arm-


She was sent flying backward and knocked into the closet. The loud, shattering noise

echoed in the room.


She forgot that she was dealing with a Lycan!

Jfelt as though her organs were turned upside down by that punch.

Her body was in a huge pain. Her head was spinning.

There was a bloody taste in her mouth.

The killer leapt forward raising the blade up high in the air and stabbed at her heart! There was no way

that she could dodge this.

She sat there, her heart racing wildly, with her entire life flashing through her eyes-

Just then, a loud roar exploded in the room!

Wells rushed at the killer and tackled him to the ground.

The killer rolled over on the floor, raising his blade up.

“JANET! WATCH OUT!!!” Belle let out an earsplitting scream.

Chapter 214

Jurgently dodged to the right and narrowly escaped the blade by one inch.

The killer’s move was swifter than she thought.

He swung his arm and threw a punch at Janet’s shoulder.

Jwas a trained soldier.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She was confident that she could stop that punch.

So she raised an arm and tried to seize his arm


She was sent flying backward and knocked into the closet. The loud, shattering noise. echoed in the



She forgot that she was dealing with a Lycan!

Jfelt as though her organs were turned upside down by that punch.

Her body was in a huge pain. Her head was spinning.

There was a bloody taste in her mouth.

The killer leapt forward raising the blade up high in the air and stabbed at her heart!

There was no way that she could dodge this.

She sat there, her heart racing wildly, with her entire life flashing through her eyes-

Just then, a loud roar exploded in the room!

Wells rushed at the killer and tackled him to the ground.

The killer rolled over on the floor, raising his blade up.

Yet Wells shifted before he made an attack again.

Within the blink of an eye, the handsyoung man had transformed into a Lycan with silver fur and

sharp fangs.

His wolf was much similar to Westin’s, only smaller in size.

The Lycan guarded in front of Jand let out a deafening howl at the killer.

The killer knelt on the floor and hesitated.

His gaze flickered to Janet.

Jfinally saw that he was wearing a mask that covered most part of his face, with

only a pair of eyes exposed.

A pair of cold, smokey grey eyes.

“Who the fuck are you” Wells roared.

The Lycan flung his paw and went at the killer.

The killer jumped up from the floor urgently, dashed across the room, and jumped out of the window.


Wells went after him at once.

Belle rushed to Janet’s side. She knelt down, cupping her face with both hands and sobbed in a

horrified voice:

“…JJanet, are you alright? Please…Please don’t die….”

Jbreathed heavily, fighting with the pain.

She wanted to tell Belle not to worry.

Yet before she could say anything, darkness kicked in.

She passed out in Belle’s arms.

Hours or probably even days–later, Jopened her eyes again.

She was lying on her bed.

Bright sunlight flooded into the room through the curtains.

It was already the morning.

“JANET!” two voices gasped in unison.

Two faces appeared in her sight–similar golden hair, identical blue eyes…

It was Wells and Belle.

Jheld her shoulder and struggled to sit up straight, “…How long did I-

“A whole night.” Belle answered with tears circling in her eyes, “I was so worried, Janet…are you going

to be alright?”

Jrubbed her curly hair, “I am feeling better already. You didn’t tell anyone about this, did you?”

Wells shook his head with a tight frown, “Belle wanted to call the doctor, but I don’t think it is a good

idea to let people know about this before we identify the killer.” Jgave him a faint smile, “You did

the right thing.”

She trusted no one in this castle, not even the doctors.

“And thank you, Wells. You saved my life last night.”

Wells scratched his head, a youthful and sheepish grin on his face.

Belle held Janet’s hand and asked, “But at least you should let Westin know about this! Ask him to find

the killer and execute him!”

“Belle is right. We will hunt that bastard down!” Wells snapped. “I want to see who dares to assassin

you under the Lycan King’s watch!”

Janet’s eyes beccold.

She had made a lot of enemies since she arrived at the Lycan’s land.

She wondered which one of her enemies did this as well.

“Did you catch up with him last night?” she asked Wells.

There was a frustrated look on Wells’s face, “No. That bastard was incredibly fast. And he seemed to

know the way around the castle.

So, an in–house rat.

“But he left this.”

Westin placed a piece of grey cloth on the bed.

“I tore it off from his clothes at night,” he said

Jpicked up the cloth and studied it closely.

She saw people dressed in cloaks made of similar cloth

The House of Shadows.

Which happened to be Elder Lamonte and Agnes’s house.

Jclenched the cloth with fury burning in her chest.

She knew that these two people wanted her gone.

But she didn’t know that they were willing to make the killing move.

She underestimated her enemies.

A horrible mistake.

“Where is the Elder’s Council?” she asked abruptly.

The twins exchanged a look of astonishment. Then Wells asked, “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you

alert Westin first?”

“No. I need to confront someone first.”

If the House of Shadow was behind this, even Westin’s hands were tied.

Jdidn’t think he would offend the elders for her.

So she was in this fight alone.

“If you want to go to the Elder Council, I can show you the way,” Belle said. “But your injury…”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I am fine,” said Jgetting off the bed.

The Elder Council sat on an isolated peak, overlooking the entire castle.

The architecture rose like a mountain of intricately carved ivory stone, reaching towards the heavens.

Pillars, hewn from the mighty trees that once guarded the mist forest, soared to dizzying heights, their

branches intertwined overhead.

Lycan soldiers stood outside of the iron gate.

When they saw Wells and Belle approach, they immediately stepped aside and let them through.

The twins followed Jup through the marble staircase till they reached the enormous, ornate doors

that guarded the hall.

“Do you want us to cin with you? To keep you safe?” Wells asked in worry. Jsmiled, “No that

is fine. I can go in by myself.”

She pushed the enormous doors open and stepped into the hall alone.

It was a spacious, circular space.

Sunlight filtered through the stained–glass windows that adorned the walls, creating an ethereal


A chandelier suspended from the apex, its gems glittering like descended stars in the


Three large round tables took up most of the space. A golden throne was placed on at raised platform

facing the tables and the doors.

The elders stopped abruptly when they heard the sound of the door opening up. He jerked around with

the others, a shocking expression on his face.

“Who allowed you in? This is the Elder Council!” he snarled.

Jignored him and made her way down the aisle, toward the throne.

Westin stood up from the throne with a frown, “Janet, what are you doing-

“You assassinated Daran?” she snapped, clenching her fists.

Westin narrowed his eyes.

“Yes,” he answered in an indifferent voice.

“How dare you-”

Jgritted her teeth.

Daran didn’t want to start a goddamn war.

He was coming because Westin abducted her!

“The werewolves are my people!” she growled, “Do not touch them!”

“Is that so?”

Jlet out a cold laugh, “Then how cyour future Queen almost got killed in her own room last


The Elders gasped in unison.

Westin widened his eyes abruptly, “…WHAT?”

Jreached into her pocket and took out the grey cloth.

“This piece of cloth was torn off from the killer’s shirt,” she said icily. “Now. Does anyone of you want to

cforward and claim it?”

There was an outbreak of muttering at this.

Janet’s gaze traveled through the crowd and fixed on Elder Lamonte’s face.