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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 207
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Chatper 207

Chapter 207

Jballed her fists.

Westin proposed to Agnes before?

Yet he kept telling her that Agnes was not his loved one.

What a liar.

Agnes chided gently, “Don’t say that, Kalinda. Westin never proposed to me.”

“But he wanted to, apparently. If the elders hadn’t forced him to marry a werewolf, he would definitely

propose to you.“.

“No, he won’t.” Agnes said in a flat voice, “Keavy was his best friend. Even thought Keavy was dead for

a long time, Westin still respected him too much to do that.”

Jrubbed her chin.

The relationship between Westin and Agnes seemed even more complicated than she thought.

She remembered Westin telling her once that Agnes was mated already..

Now it sounded that Agnes’s mate was this man named Keavy, who was the best friend of Westin.

But he was dead already.

“Honestly, Agnes, haven’t you considered remarrying?” that Issa girl asked, “How many years have it

been since Keavy-”

Agnes sighed, “5 years.”

“Yet you are at the prof your years! You can’t waste it. Just whisper to us. If you want that lowborn

werewolf gone, there are many ways to make that happen…” Jlet out a cold laugh.

She wrenched the door open and marched into the room.

Soft, ambient light bathed the room, filtering through heavy velvet curtains that framed tall windows.

A grand piano occupied a corner, its dark wood gleaming under the glow of an ornate chandelier.

In the center of the room stood a coffee table. Set on top were carefully curated art books, delicate

porcelain figurines, and a vase of fresh flowers.

Plush armchairs and sofas, upholstered in a soft fabric that invited touch, surrounded that coffee table.

Agnes and her chaperons were sitting in the armchairs and sofas right now.

Kalinda straightened her back the second Jstepped in. She looked tensed.

“You should knock! Where is your-” she hissed.

“My curtsey? You already knew that I have none,” Jchuckled icily. “And are you atraid of me

hearing anything?”

Kalinda huffed, “I am not afraid of anything! I can say that to your face: You are the third woman in

Agnes and the King’s relationship!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Kalinda!” Agnes cried in fume.

Jraised an eyebrow, looking at Agnes.

“Keavy is your husband?” she asked Agnes.

Agnes bit her lips, a sad look on her face.

She took off a locket from her neck and handed it to Janet, “My mate, my husband, at proud soldier of

Shadow House, and also….the King’s best friend.”

Jopened the locket.

There was a picture inside, of Westin, Keavy, and Agnes. They were all grinning

brightly at the camera.

“How did he die?” Jasked quietly.

Kalinda growled. “Hey!”

“That is alright. I don’t mind.” Agnes shook her head, tears forming in her eyes.

“He died of food poisoning. A borrible tragedy. He is the only man I ever

loved… Yes, the King and I grew up together. I won’t deny that we are close. But there

is nothing romantic between us. I swear, Lady Janet.”

Jstared at her, pondering

Agnes’s expression looked sincere.

…But food poisoning?

Jcouldn’t help but found that odd. And a bit too convenient.

Maybe there was something more that she had yet to discover.

“Are you ready to begin your training?” Agnes asked

Sure,” Jsaid, handing the locket back to her.

Now was not a good tto dig too deep into Agnes’s dirt. She had plenty of tafterward.

“Great,” Agnes beamed.

She invited Jto sit with them by the coffee table and began the lecture.

She started off with dining etiquette.

A lady should always sit upright with proper posture at the dining table. Avoid slouching or leaning too

far back

Agnes even asked the maid to place a needle on the cushion behind Janet’s back. If Jgot sloppy

and leaned back at any time, that needle would prick her.

She asked Jto stay in that posture for at least 20 minutes.

All the girls were staring at Janet, waiting to taunt her when she got pricked by a needle.

Yet 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and then 30 minutes had passed.

Jstill held her posture elegantly, without any sign of getting tired.

The girls were disappointed.

Even Agnes found that amazing.

“Have you had any lady’s training before?” she asked.

Jshrugged, “No. But I have had military training. I can stay in the bush perfectly

still for more than a day waiting to snipe an enemy.”

The girls‘ faces changed, looking afraid.

They all knew that Jwas a Gamma.

Although they were all Lycans, they had never held a sword in their entire lives, let alone getting blood

on their hands. Unlike Janet.

Agnes gulped, nervously, “That…That is great. Well, shall we practice walking? Since

you already mastered dining etiquette.”

They all stood up and lined up by the wall.

Agnes demonstrated how an upper–class Lycan lady walked.

Each step should be taken with a measured and graceful gait. Head held high, with shoulders back. No

slouching or dragging feet.

The most important part was walking in a perfectly straight line.

Agnes had the servants bring in a balance beam, like the one used in gymnastics.

She asked Jto change into her high heels and walked from one end to another on the beam.

Jfrowned this time.

She was not very good with high heels.

“Is that really necessary?” she asked, “I know how to walk.”

Kalinda had been waiting to insult Janet. She immediately raised her voice and cried, “But you walk like

a peasant! No man will want to dance with you at the ball if you don’t work on this.”

Jrolled her eyes.

She picked up her skirt and stepped onto the balance beam.

She made a step. Her body swayed at once. Yet she regained her balance at once. She took another

small step, looking carefully at her feet-


A sharp pain cfrom her back

“Keep your back straight and shoulders back,” Agnes said, holding a wooden stick. Jglared at her,

“Do not hitagain.”

Agnes blinked, innocently, “My apology. I just want to fast–forward your learning process-”

Is this how you did your lady’s training?” Jasked icily, “With people hitting you constantly?”

Agnes smiled, “No. But we are Lycans. We are born with grace. And I thought you have a thicker skin

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

as a soldier than the rest of us and you can handle a few minor slaps…Or was I wrong?”

The girls snickered.

Jtook a deep breath, ignored her, and continued walking

“I said-”

Jstared at Agnes’s horror–stricken face and hissed:


milead cerraraton of fear and anger flickered across her

Agnes’s chest heaved. A mixed expression of fear and anger flickered across her


She tried to pull her stick back from Janet’s grip but failed.

It felt as though the stick was jammed into a rock!

The crowd around them was agitated.

Issa snapped, “Let go of Lady Agnes!”

“Shut it!” Jsnapped.

She snatched the stick from Agnes and dumped it on the floor.

Then she kicked off her high heels, stepping down from the balance beam.

“Lettell you what your King sees in me,” she let out an icy laugh, staring at Kalinda.

There was a golden crossbow hanging on the wall on top of the fireplace. A gorgeous decoration.

Jmarched over and took the crossbow down.

All the girls froze in their spots. After seconds of stifling silence, people started screaming.

“What are you doing!” Kalinda shrieked, crouching down and covering her head with both hands.

“Guards! Guards! She is trying to kill us!” Issa yelled.

Jrolled her eyes and walked to the window.

She pushed the window wide open. Fresh breeze gushed in, expelling the thick sweet smell of scented


“See that flag?” Jpointed at the distance.

Roughly 200 meters away, a red flag was hanging on one of the turrets, fluttering in

the wind.

The girls clustered together, looking at her fearfully.

Jraised the crossbow and aimed at that flag.


The arrow flew out, across the air and shot on the rope that bound the red flag.

The flag fell at once.

Jturned around calmly and scanned those astonished faces.