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Alpha’s Surrogate by POOJA

Chapter 6
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6. Holding a stranger’s hand. “You are going to be my surrogate, and I will determine the rules,” he growled. Kiara gasped in fear at his

words. What exactly had he


The only sound that had resonated in the room was the pinging of the ring bouncing against the floor,

followed by a soft moan as she had begun to lose control. What was he up to with her? It was wrong.

There was no question she should have absolutely pushed him away. She should have urged him to

stop, but she couldn’t bring herself to protest. The dangerous aura that seemed to be oozing from

his very pores had engulfed her.

“Kiara,” a loud knock on the door forced Xavier to open his eyes. His astonished green irises meet

terrified chocolatey ones.

“f**k!” Xavier drew back quickly like he was being burned. He shifted his face to the side as Dean

continued to try to take him


“You f*****g bastard! Don’t you dare even think about trying to take over again!”

Xavier warned his wolf. He couldn’t believe it, when

he realized he had kissed a female! How could he have allowed anything like that to happen?! How in

the world had he lost control? That

never happened. Those prostitutes hadn’t even been able to get him hard; instead, their smell had made

him feel sick. He usually kept

his distance from females, but that had been a f*****g KISS!!! He hadn’t felt disgusted when his lips had

touched hers.

“Grr… this isn’t my fault. Both of us are aware of how sexually dissatisfied we are. At least I didn’t f**k

her,”Dean growled back at Xavier, displaying his displeasure at being disrupted before he could make his

next move.

“We’re never going to f**k her!” Xavier yelled at him. What the hell had this fool been thinking when he

had created this surrogacy

plan? Things would have been too far if the knock hadn’t jolted his brain into use instead of his d**k.

“She is only our surrogate,” Xavier continued, running his hand over his face in an attempt to assert

complete control over himself. But Kiara’s scent was on his hand and lips. Dean’s animalistic behavior

had become alarming for Kiara. The younger female could be heard shivering behind his back. Kiara had

glued herself to the door as she stared at him completely perplexed by his erratic behavior.

He appeared to be about to vomit: He despised his actions. Dean had made him feel ashamed and

irritated with himself.

“Don’t hold that against me. She enticed us,”

Dean gave Xavier the cold shoulder since he knew that he wouldn’t be able to

breakthrough now. If he tried to pass through, Xavier would block him. He had complete control over his

wolf at all times, this had been

the first time he lost it.

“What?” Xavier was perplexed. They had been seduced by this little female? How was that even


“If you don’t believe me, look at her;” Dean added. Kiara’s big anxious chocolatey eyes caught Xavier’s

attention. Her clothes were rumpled as a result of his squeezing and caressing her waist. Her hair was

once again cascading over her face hiding its delicacy, yet revealing a new and more lovely aspect of

her. Xavier’s gaze was drawn to her stiffened nipples.

“See?” Dean snapped at Xavier.

“Shut up you jerk!” Xavier snapped back at him with a lethal glare. He had resolved to keep his distance

from the young female, that

way he would just maintain a very business-like relationship with her. That way she would never have

any idea that she had almost lured

him into a trap.

“Are you okay, Kiara?” Another knock banged on the door was followed by Adira’s anxious voice. For a

long time, her sister had been locked in a room alone with a stranger who also happened to be a

dangerous Alpha, and that prospect terrified her. But, as she stood quietly near the stairs, she sensed

movement coming from inside one of the rooms and ran over to knock on the door. What were those

rumblings? Had he caused Kiara any harm? Why were they taking so long to open the door?

As she watched the door of the room slowly open she breathed a sigh of relief, Kiara was standing there

completely safe.

“You frightened me!” Adira drew her into a tender hug while observing Xavier, who was staring at the two


“He didn’t do anything untoward, did he?” she whispered quietly into her ear, Kiara had been silent for a

few seconds. Was it okay for

couldn’t believe what had just happened to her.

“No, he didn’t,” she assured her, pulling away from Adira, hoping that Xavier hadn’t heard her lie. Kiara

didn’t want to worry Adira

any further because she had left her alone in the room with him.

“So, what’s the deal with you smelling like him?” Adira inquired. Kiara was terrified. How could she

possibly explain their unexpected

close proximity a few minutes ago? She’d completely forgotten that she would smell like him. Adira saw

that her inquiry had put her

sister in an awkward position. Kiara remained silent since she had no intention of lying.

“Forget it,” Adira said, brushing aside her own query. She could readily read Kiara’s expression and

understood what had happened.

But as long as her sister was not hurt and had not needed assistance, she preferred to ignore the

incident between Xavier and Kiara that

she had in all honesty expected.

Kiara turned to Xavier as she felt the presence of the big Alpha standing behind her, but this time he kept

a safe distance.

“So, would you like to be my surrogate? I’m looking forward to hearing your final decision,” he inquired.

His two hands were tucked

inside his pants pockets, she realized that his face had become expressionless once more. She didn’t

feel like the same male that had just

kissed her. He appeared to be just as cool as he had been earlier with her family.

“What? a surrogate?” Adira gave her sister a startled glance. But Kiara remained calm.

“Yes” While responding to Xavier, Kiara squeezed Adira’s hand. Even though she was still astonished by

what she had just learned,

the older sister maintained her calm. Despite the fact that Kiara was younger, Adira felt confident in her

capacity to make her own

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

decisions. Xavier smirked in his head. The outcome of their lengthy discussion favored Xavier, which

pleased him.

“But,” Kiara hesitated before taking a step closer to him. Xavier scoffed. But what and why? There should

not be ‘But’! There was no

turning back now. Kiara had sensed his frown, but he had been waiting patiently for her to continue.

“I can’t ever tell my parents that I’m a surrogate,” she murmured anxiously, biting her lip. Xavier’s gaze

had been drawn to the soft

flesh of her lips, which she had so nicely bitten.

“Our pack may be smaller than the Sirius Bight Pack, but my father’s image is more valuable than his

life. He will be quite offended if

he discovers that I have agreed to be your surrogate. I don’t care what consequences await me when the

truth is out, but I can’t face the

thought that my decision will also impact my mother and sister,” Kiara stated her final reservations on the


She had also noted Adira’s concern for their mother when the subject of surrogacy had been brought up.

But there was one more

thing that bothered Adira. If everyone knew that Kiara had accepted being a surrogate, it would bring

Kiara humiliation. She’d only

discussed her parents with Xavier, but she’d kept who it would complicate her personal life in the future

from him. Well really why would

he care?

After forcing his greedy gaze away from her lips, Xavier spotted both her sisters exchange glances. Like

he had with Zander, they

shared a strong sibling bond.

“Then I’ll tell them we’re getting married,” he added, having discovered the answer to their predicament.

He wouldn’t allow anything stand in his way as long as she consented to be his surrogate.

“You will marry me?” Kiara was taken aback.

“No,” he amended, “but I can simply lie to safeguard your honor in front of your parents and pack.” Kiara

was surprised by his response. So he was doing this for her? Allowing her to keep her dignity intact. But

why? Xavier could readily read her face despite the fact that she had not questioned him explicitly.

“I’m not concerned with preserving your father’s ego or his social standing, but I do not want my

surrogate’s reputation to be tarnished in any way. So no one will be harmed by this small lie. You must

be mentally as much as physically healthy in order to have a healthy pup,” Xavier offered by way of an


Kiara slapped herself mentally as she nodded. What the hell had she been thinking? Obviously, he had

not wanted a disgraced

female to give birth to his heir. He needed her record and reputation to be clean.

“And, certainly, the same will apply to my pack. We can’t tell anyone that you’re my surrogate,” Xavier


“How is it going to work?” Kiara was perplexed by that since she needed to be there, but how was he

planning to cover it up?

they learn that, I can always create the excuse that we don’t want to be together a year later, after the

birth, on the day you choose to

leave my pack. Things didn’t work out between us, so we agreed to go our separate ways, “Xavier

described his whole strategy, which he

had planned with Dean earlier. Kiara agreed after a few moments of contemplation. She didn’t have any

other choice.

“Let’s go down the stairs. Clear the air with your parents. I don’t want to stay in this pack for another

second,” Xavier walked out of

the room.

“Kiara, do you trust him?” Adira asked, her voice apprehensive.

“We don’t have any other choice, Adira. We need to protect the pack and our parents,” Kiara countered.

“Still…” Adira came to a halt.

“What’s the matter? Do you dislike him?” Kiara was perplexed since she knew Xavier had not said

anything to offend her sister, but she appeared disturbed.

“No, it’s nothing like that, but his scent bugs me,” she grumbled.

“His scent? What about it?” Kiara wondered.

“I mean, his clothes just contains have a number of scents from his pack members, and one of them in

particular is strange,” She did

her best to explain, but she was also oblivious to what was upsetting her.

“Which scent?”

“Forget it. I was only saying,” Adira said, shaking her head.

Xavier had reached the living room by way of the stairs by the time Kiara and Adira had left the bedroom,

indicating his desire to leave this pack behind him.

“Alpha.” In the hall, Kaiden had been eagerly waiting for Xavier. After Orion, Kaiden had been promoted

to Xavier’s Beta, the second in command, he was excellent at his job. Alpha Sawyer and Noah were not

allowed to make a single peep in his absence, as he had commanded. Xavier wondered at times why he

had made Orion his Beta in the first place. Kaiden was flawless and far smarter than Orion. Perhaps it

was because Kaiden had only become his friend when they were fourteen. He appeared at a later stage

in his life than

his former Beta had. They had first met in school. Xavier motioned for him to release just Alpha Sawyer

and Luna Martha, but not Noah.

He’d merely bark like an energetic puppy with none or the cuteness and all of the annoyance.

“Where is Kiara?” Luna Martha had been worrying the entire time, her gaze had been glued to the stairs.

Why had he returned alone?

“She was with her sister but is now leaving with me,” Xavier claimed.

“What exactly do you mean?” Alpha Sawyer and Luna Martha asked together. Where had he planned to

take their daughter?

“I’ve made the decision to marry your daughter. She’ll be my Luna,” he made the announcement.

When Kiara’s parents heard Xavier’s declaration, they were shocked into speechlessness. Kiara stood

beside the steps, while Luna Matha gazed at her in awe. So this was how she intended to preserve her

pack and family? Kiara was too embarrassed to look her mother

in the eyes any more. She had no clue that things would turn out this way either.

“It’s ridiculous!” Alpha Sawyer yelled.

“She will not become your Luna!”

“Your daughter and I have had a conversation in which no change is conceivable. She has accepted my

offer to become my Luna, and I don’t want to murder my Luna’s pack and family in this scenario. You are

fortunate that your daughter has requested that I give her

yourlives and those of your pack as an engagement present,” Xavier smirked evilly as he watched

Sawyer’insulted reaction. Xavier had

guessed that her father’s ego was even larger than Kiara had expected, and he was well aware that no

matter what every word he had

spoken would disgrace him.

“I’m still not convinced. You’re not going to be able to take her away. She won’t be able to make her own

decisions as long as I’m

alive.” Alpha Sawyer couldn’t handle the thought that a female, his daughter whom he had disregarded,

had been the one who had

saved them.

“Being a parent does not grant you the authority to make all of her life decisions for her. Your territory has

also fallen into my hands,

to hear from Luna Martha and gain her thoughts on this matter,” Xavier directed his attention to the older

temale, who had been staring

at both of her daughters incessantly.

Her motherly intuition had been telling her that both of them had been concealing something from her.

Martha was their mother, she could easily read them. But she also noted that Kiara hadn’t appeared

scared of Xavier, she hadn’t seemed surprised by his . announcements. If there had been a problem or if

Xavier had a secret motive that would harm Kiara, Adira would have warned her.

“What do you think, Luna Martha?” Xavier’s voice had grown deep, almost menacing. Martha was fully

aware that her rejection of his

proposition would only lead to their deaths. She had no clue what had transpired between Xavier and

Kiara, but she was amazed that

her daughter had been able to persuade him into changing his mind. She had promised to save her

family and pack, and had been able

to fulfill it. Kiara, on the other hand, scowled. Why had Xavier needed to put her mother in such a tough


Kiara had already stepped forward to speak up, which was only going to enrage her father, so Martha

decided to answer.

“I agree,” Luna Martha gave her blessing, astounding Alpha Sawyer and Noah. He tried again and again

to open his mouth and shout,

but he couldn’t

“What?!” Her mate snarled at her. Had she gone insane? Giving her daughter to an adversary! Kiara was

taken by surprise. Had her

Mum truly agreed? Xavier gave Alpha Sawyer a sly grin.

“It’s all done and dusted now,” Luna Martha regarded Sawyer with a solemn gaze.

“It can’t happen…”

“Sawyer, you have to acknowledge that our son was a rapist! So why should I and my family bear the

consequences of his actions? Now is the moment to set aside your ego, focus on your people, and let

Kiara live her own life,” she blurted it all out in one breath,

disgusted at having to mention Lewis.

“But he is still our enemy…” Alpha Sawyer attempted to protest, but Luna Martha interrupted him.

“Yes, he is our rival, but he has just asked for our daughter’s hand, right? He wishes to make her his

Luna. If years of hostility evolves into a marriage, I don’t see any harm in that. But if you don’t agree to

this arrangement, you’ll lose me forever,” she gave her


“What do you mean?” Alpha Sawyer arched his brow.

“I’ll leave this pack with Adira and Kiara,” Luna Martha threatened, Sawyer’s and her daughters’ faces

grew white. When Noah realized that his mother had threatened to leave him, he stopped wiggling.

“What exactly are you saying? You can’t leave me, Martha,” Sawyer murmured, but she ignored him.

“Sawyer, the choice is entirely yours. Let Kiara go with Alpha Xavier, “she advised. Alpha Sawyer, feeling

defeated, cast a lethal gaze at Kiara and Xavier. There was no way he could lose Martha. She was

obstinate, and if she said she would leave him that meant she would do it. Luna Martha waited for his

refusal for a few moments. With a growl, he turned to the opposite direction. Kiara and Adira had never

seen their parents argue like this before. It was unexpected to witness Alpha Sawyer concede defeat to

Luna Martha.

“Go pack your belongings,” Kiara heard her mother say. She was taken aback, it had actually worked.

“Mom,” Kiara moved closer to her mother, her face flushed with embarrassment.

· “If you don’t mind becoming Alpha Xavier’s Luna, then neither do I. I am pleased with your choice,”

Luna Martha smiled. It was

preferable to be forced to witness her daughter being raped by the Sirius Bright Pack, according to

Martha. Xavier had also accepted her

daughter as his Luna. Kiara wrapped her arms around her mother. She wished she could weep. Her

mother had always supported her, but

Martha had no idea that Kiara had agreed to be a surrogate.

She had never lied to her mother before, but their circumstances had changed. She felt compelled to do

so now in order to protect

her family. Adira’s eyes were welling up with tears. Her sister was departing for good. She knew that

she’d never see her again, but she swiftly wiped her tears away and embraced her in a hug. Kiara

required her assistance at this moment.

Kiara headed to her room, where Adira had been helping her with her packing. She had earlier put

everything back in the


“Don’t tell Mum and Dad about my being a surrogate,” Kiara said as she put on a different outfit. She was

concerned that her secret

: “Don’t worry. They will never find out unless you want them to,” Adira reassured her. She could

understand her sense of dread. Kiara

had told her that after the surrogacy, she would continue her studies and live her life normally. She would

also leave Xavier’s pack. Adira

was dissatisfied with her sister’s decisions, but she merely nodded.

“Don’t forget to answer my calls or i won’t be able to sleep,” Adira reminded her as she took Kiara’s hand

in hers. She nodded and

drew her sister into a hug. It was their farewell embrace.

“You have the audacity to disgrace our family!” Both sisters were startled when Noah stormed into

Kiara’s room. The moment that

Kaiden had let go of his hands, he had come up there to teach a good lesson to his bitch of a sister, who

had forgotten her place and

begun to make her own decisions.

“Don’t cause a scene, Noah!” Adira cautioned, attempting to protect Kiara.

“I’ll deal with you later,” he warned as he shoved Adira aside and lifted his hand to smack Kiara.

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“If I were you, I would have studiously pondered the consequences before even attempting to slap Alpha

Xavier’s soon-to-be Luna!” Xavier’s snarl pierced the air, preventing Noah from committing the act that

would surely lead to his death. Kiara noticed Xavier leaning against the doorframe, but his wolf was on

the surface!

“Stay away from her!” Xavier let out a growl. Kiara was terrified when she took in his enraged expression.

Yes, he was only calling her

Luna as part of their performance, but he seemed so genuine. He had the appearance of a demon, with

Dean on the surface of his eyes

like a flame it seemed that would reach out to snatch Noah to eat him whole. Why had he been taking

their act so seriously? Adira was

terrified of him. Adira and Kiara exchanged glances before Adira hurried her brother out before it was too


Without permission, Xavier entered Kiara’s room. His gaze was immediately drawn to her bed. She

noticed him taking a big inhale.

Her perfume was soaked into every fiber of the room. What had been the point of his coming here?

She’d been too shy to show him her

modest bedroom earlier. That was why she had escorted him to Adira’s bedroom. But now that he’s

figured out the exact circumstances

of her life, she’d chosen to quit worrying about it. When he returned his gaze to her, she flushed and

blinked for a second. She’d been

looking at him! She returned to packing the rest of her belongings.

Xavier observed that the room’s ceiling, like the undersized bed, was deplorable. It was a spooky house

if there was no light. He

couldn’t even see what she had packed, but her suitcase appeared to be rather small. She wasn’t taking

much. He’d already deduced that

she’d been mistreated as a female in this home. Her mother and sister were the only people she had

been able to rely on.

When she bent over the bed, Xavier’s gaze was drawn to her butt. She had a perfectly round ass. Dean

growled in his mind with

desire. Xavier instinctively turned his eyes away, only to discover a little white cat entering the room via

Kiara’s small window.

“Hey!” Kiara dropped her suitcase and dashed over to the cat.

“What’s the deal with you being late today, Cat?” She refilled her food dish, which she had put under her

bed. Kiara had the most

gorgeous smile on her face, according to Xavier. It was real. She had been delighted to see the cat who

appeared to be stray.

“You don’t have to come into my room anymore, Cat. I’ll have Adira feed you,” Kiara scratched her white

fur, completely unaware that the male standing behind her was observing her intently. She had been

leaving countless kisses on the cat’s furry little head. Only Kiara and Adira knew about the cat and

secretly fed her because their pack did not tolerate pets. They did, however, adore her.

· “Why are you calling her, Cat? Why don’t you give her a name?” Xavier inquired. Kiara returned her

gaze to him, only to realize that he had been listening to her. Had he thought she was childish? She

averted her gaze before she blushed.

“She is unnamed,” she commented as she returned the cat, letting her eat as she picked up her luggage

to leave the room.

“Why?” Xavier enquired.

“If I had named her, I would be far more attached to her than I already am now. It’s difficult to be apart

from the ones you care about,

you know,” Kiara’s anguish was palpable in her voice. Before he could see her tears, Xavier noticed she

turned her face as she walked

away. She took one last look at the cat with sorrow. She’d never be able to see her again.

Xavier followed her into the living room, where she was hugging Luna Martha and Adira. Noah had been

throwing daggers at Kiara

with his eyes, which she had disregarded as usual that only led to him being enraged further.

“Put her baggage in the car,” Xavier commanded. When Kiara heard him, she turned to face Xavier. It

was an oblique message to her

expressionless, emotionless face before following him. She stepped out the pack house door, which had

been damaged during the


“Wait a second!” Alpha Sawyer finally made an appearance. Xavier hadn’t bothered to look back, but

Kiara did. Had her father come

to say good-bye one final time?

“Because you picked our adversary as your spouse, you are no longer welcome in our pack,” Sawyer

announced as he stood directly

in front of Kiara. In this he had not obeyed Luna Martha when she pleaded him not to curse their

daughter any more.

“My family and pack break all relationships and ties with you. Now go with him and don’t expect to ever

come back,” he bellowed. From the corner of his eyes, Xavier observed Kiara’s watery eyes. He had

been expecting that. Sawyer was not the kind of male to let her leave without yelling and severing all

links to him. Kiara walked away with a frown on her face. She dashed over to the car, where Kaiden had

been waiting. She opened the door and got in before she began to cry.

She knew it had been coming, yet she was still devastated. She’d never see her mother or sister again.

She didn’t dare look back at the pack house. When Xavier entered the car he took the seat next to Kiara,

she averted her face from his gaze, not wanting to show him

her tears.

“Drive,” Xavier gave the command. Kiaden was seated in the passenger seat. Kiara watched the driver

as he drove away. She couldn’t


take it any longer and turned around to face Adira and Luna Martha, who were staring at her. Kiara cried

as the vehicle moved further

away from the only home she had ever known. Xavier never said a word. Her cries and whimpers fell on

his deaf ears. Not once had he

looked at her. Kiaden felt sad for her.

“Luna,” Kaiden turned to pass over a handkerchief to Kiara, still undecided on what to refer to her as. But

when Xavier remained silent, he chose to call her Luna. Kiara reached her trembling hand to take the

offered handkerchief, but it slipped from her grasp. Xavier’s hand extended out at the same time as hers

had. Their hands made contact as if they were holding hands. Kiara’s gaze met Xavier’s. She had

realized that she had been holding a stranger’s hand. This was the beginning of a new life for her.